The paper doll will now show up properly when crawling.Players will no longer be stuck inside Cauldrons or Composters when crawling inside with a Trapdoor ( MCPE-170836).Loyalty Tridents will always return to the player's camera.Players will now spawn particle effects when eating in the correct position if they are sneaking, swimming, or gliding.Players will now always spawn projectiles from the camera position when sneaking, swimming, or gliding.Player's model is now centered around their hitbox when swimming ( MCPE-122663).Players will begin swimming if they enter water while crawling, or vice-versa.Players will automatically stand up or begin sneaking if they leave the 1 block gap.Players will now begin crawling when in a 1 block gap, similar to sneaking.Added the ability to crawl behind the Short Sneaking and Crawling Experimental toggle.

Fixed a bug where Zombie Villager did not drop given item after curing ( MCPE-163670).The Cobweb to String recipe has been removed.Barrel recipe has been modified to use Planks instead of Sticks.Shovel has been removed from Boat recipe.Items dropped by storage entities are now centered inside the nearest block ( MCPE-160189).Fixed many interactions where being forced into sneaking acted the same as holding the sneak button ( MCPE-170610).